About the Port of London Authority
Who we are
We are the UK’s biggest port, central to the country’s economy and ambitions for growth. We connect the UK to the world, but we are much more than a conventional port.
We are driven by our purpose to protect and improve the 95 mile stretch of the River Thames which is tidal – from Teddington Lock on the border of Surrey, through the heart of London, Kent, Essex and out to the North Sea.
As a trust port, we reinvest all the money we make back into the tidal Thames region – caring for the river and supporting the communities who live and work along it.
Our people bring together their passion and expertise as harbour masters, workboat crews, river and sea pilots, hydrography surveyors, environmental scientists, engineers, commercial and planning experts, business service professionals, and more.
Working together, we are committed to doing the right thing, championing our customers and their growth, promoting sustainability and the voice and interests of people who live and work on the river – and always putting safety first.
What we do
We keep river users safe – patrolling the tidal Thames and managing traffic on the UK’s busiest inland waterway 365 days a year, providing highly skilled and experienced river and sea pilots, and mapping, marking and dredging the riverbed to ensure safe passage of all vessels and keep river users safe.
We drive growth and investment – working with partners to lead on innovation and the investment in skills, technology and river infrastructure to enable significant growth. We advocate for businesses using the Port, and create opportunities for them to grow, build resilience and decarbonise.
We campaign for a clean tidal Thames – free of sewage, waste and pollution. We push for net zero emissions, capturing opportunities for renewable energy, and boosting biodiversity.
We champion the people who visit, live and work on the river – helping more people build a fulfilling career on the tidal Thames, enjoy the water for sport, leisure and relaxation, and connect with the greatest river in the world.
We reinvest any financial surplus back into the tidal Thames region – as a trust port, we have no shareholders and reinvest all the money we make back into the river and the people who live and work along it.

Our history
The River Thames has been the lifeblood of London since Roman Times, shaping the city and the country. For more than 100 years, we at the PLA have served London and the rest of the UK by overseeing its biggest and flagship port – safely bringing the world’s goods and products into the country’s capital and promoting trade and growth.
We have played various other roles in serving the country: supporting wartime operations, promoting tourism, and hosting longstanding and globally recognised annual events like the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race and London’s New Year’s Eve fireworks.
Over the century, our role has evolved from owning and operating east London’s docks to managing the waterways – directing traffic, dredging the river, maintaining its banks and protecting the environment – so our customers can efficiently and safely trade.
Now, in addition to our commitment to growth and enabling our customers’ commercial success, as a trust port we also operate with a dedication to secure social value and sustainability. This is how we can pay tribute to the Port’s legacy and ensure the tidal Thames is protected for future generations.

Our future
We want to leave the tidal Thames in a better condition than we found it – more prosperous, sustainable, thriving, and vibrant.
Our vision is for a clean river, free of pollution and rubbish. A resilient tidal Thames, adapting to climate change and richer in wildlife, and Net Zero by 2040. A more diverse Thames, providing jobs, learning and enjoyment to the whole community.
To deliver that, we are committed to doing the right thing for the river, championing growth by working with others to embed innovation, dedicating ourselves to sustainability and the people who live and work along the river, and always putting safety first.
About Thames Vision 2050
Thames Vision 2050 was launched in September 2022. The development framework for the river, created by the PLA with stakeholders, targets the long-term development of the Thames as trading hub, destination and natural haven.
Our Vision for the Thames in 2050 is:
The UK’s leading port, central to the nation’s economy, with Net Zero emissions. A clean river, free of pollution and rubbish, supporting more sport, passengers and freight. A resilient Estuary, adapting to climate change and richer in wildlife. A more diverse Thames, providing jobs, learning and enjoyment to the whole community, and always, everyone, staying safe.
For more on Thames Vision 2050, visit the microsite: Our Vision for the Thames in 2050 - Thames Vision 2050 (pla.co.uk)

Equality Diversity and Inclusion
The PLA is strongly committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment and has significantly improved the gender diversity of its senior management team over the last few years and has achieved a gender balanced Board but remains keen to achieve greater overall diversity. The PLA is a member of Inclusive Employers, who supports the organisation on awareness and training, and to refresh policies and procedures to ensure diversity and inclusion are at the centre of the PLA’s culture. All qualified applicants will be equally considered.
Further information on the PLA, its history, role and wide remit can be found at www.pla.co.uk.